Associate in Science Degree Questions

Common questions, answers and additional resources.

Question Answer
How do I get started?

Check out our Admissions page for the steps to enroll at Valencia College. Call 407-582-1507 or email Enrollment Services if you have questions.

When should I apply?

You can apply anytime, as Valencia College has a rolling admissions process. However, to start classes in a specific term, you should complete and submit your application by the Application Priority Deadline for that term.

Note: A separate application is required for School of Health Sciences programs.

Do I have to attend Orientation?

Yes, New Student Orientation is required for all new and transfer students seeking associate degrees. Register for classes prior to the Orientation date.

If you are seeking a Technical Certificate, you are not required to attend an orientation. However, if you begin in a Technical Certificate program and decide to change to a degree-seeking status, you’ll be required to complete an Orientation before continuing to take courses.

Will I be required to take any entry testing?

All A.S. degree-seeking students will be required to have placement for English and Math before enrolling in courses. You can be placed in English and Math by submitting test scores – SAT, ACT, CLT and / or high school PERT Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) scores.

Note: Valencia College will only accept scores less than two (2) years old.  If you do not have any prior scores to submit, you can take the PERT at Valencia College.

What degrees and programs does Valencia College offer?

Learn more about Valencia College programs at:

What is the difference between A.A. Degrees and A.S. Degrees?

The Associate in Arts degree (A.A. degree) is a general studies degree. An A.A. Degree will prepare you to transfer to a Florida public university as a junior. As an A.A. student, there are ways to focus on your intended major. You can follow a transfer plan or choose a pre-major that will help you meet most upper-division prerequisites.

Valencia College Associate in Science (A.S.) Degrees prepare you for immediate employment in a specialized field with the skills you need for an exciting career and a well-paying job.

With an A.S. Degree, you have several options. You can enter directly into a high-skill, high-wage career upon graduation. You also have the option of transferring into one of the eight bachelor’s degree programs offered at Valencia College or into specific 2+2 Bachelor’s Degree programs offered at Florida state colleges.

How much will the program cost?

Costs vary depending on a student’s residency status and selected degree program. The average cost for an A.S. Degree program (excluding Health Sciences) is approximately $6,500 – $7,000 for tuition, plus the cost of books and supplies, and special fees.

Is the program eligible for Financial Aid?

All A.S. degree programs are eligible for Financial Aid. However, only Technical Certificate programs that are 16 credits or more are eligible for Financial Aid.

To apply for Financial Aid, please visit: (School Code: 006750)

Will prep courses (Developmental Education) be required?

If your Assessment tests indicate a need for preparatory math, reading or writing, you may need to enroll in developmental education courses. Once you’ve attended Orientation, you will be informed if you will need to enroll in any prep courses. However, if you are seeking a Technical Certificate, prep coursework is not required as general education courses are usually not part of the Technical Certificate.

Note: If you begin in a Technical Certificate program and decide to change to degree-seeking status, you may be required to complete assessments before continuing to take courses.

How can I connect with a student success coach?

You should meet with a Student Success Coach if you have course selection questions and, also, throughout your time at Valencia College to ensure that you are on the right track for graduation. All A.S. degree programs have an assigned student success coach who can confirm that you are following the correct pathway and registering for the right courses. The student success coach's name and email address can be found on the portal. You can also expect email communication from your student success coach every semester. We encourage you to include VID in your email communications to your student success coach.

What kind of job can I get?

Valencia’s A.S. degrees prepare you to go directly to work in a specialized career. Our A.S. degree programs are all geared toward high-skill, high-wage industries, and are designed to give you the best possible preparation for the fastest-growing jobs in our region. You will be qualified to work in your field immediately after you complete your Valencia College A.S. degree.

You can explore potential careers, salary, job demand and related degrees at:

How much money will I make?

Valencia College focuses on careers that the State of Florida has determined to be “high-demand, high-wage” jobs. Many factors determine how much a given individual will earn in a given field, but additional training and education have typically been shown to increase a person’s earning potential.

Find more salary information at:

How long will it take?

Full-time students can complete most A.S. degrees in two to three years. If you’re a part-time student, it generally takes three to four years. If you take required developmental courses, you may need longer to complete degree programs.

Many Technical Certificate programs can be completed in one year or less.

Can the program be completed online?

Some degree programs may be offered entirely online, but not all courses are offered online every term. Check with your student success coach for online options and availability.

Is there a specific order in which the courses should be taken?

Absolutely. You must connect with your student success coach to discuss the recommended course sequence. If you don’t complete courses in certain sequence, your graduation may be delayed. Your student success coach can help you find the Recommended Course Sequence Guides in the student portal.

Do I need to apply for graduation?

Yes. A.S. degree-seeking students must apply for graduation through their student portal account by the graduation application deadline.

However, Technical Certificates are automatically awarded and mailed out to the address on file six to eight weeks after grades are posted.

Will my A.S. Degree transfer to a Bachelor’s Degree?

With an A.S. degree, you have several You can transfer into the Valencia College B.A.S. (Bachelor of Applied Science) in Business & Organizational Leadership degree program, as well as other B.A.S. degrees are offered at some state universities and colleges. Some A.S. Degrees will also transfer into specific 2+2 bachelor’s degree programs offered at Florida state colleges.

Consult your Student Success Coach to determine the best education plan for your career goals. If you need to transfer credits from this program to another institution, you are responsible for contacting the college of choice to make sure your degree will be accepted.

Is job placement assistance available?

Yes. If you need assistance with job resources or in locating an internship, contact the Internship and Workforce Services office.