Application Help Frequently Asked Questions

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Question Answer
I completed the student portion of the Dual Enrollment application, but I misspelled my parent/guardian’s email, how can I fix this?
  • If the parent/guardian form has not been completed yet: log into the application portal, click on “change recommender” next to parent/guardian, and update the email. Don’t forget to click resend!
  • If the parent/guardian form has been completed, please email with your full name, date of birth, and the correct information for additional assistance.
I completed the student portion of the Dual Enrollment application, but my parent/guardian has not received the email. How can I fix this?
  • Review your submitted portion of the application by logging into the application portal and make sure you spelled their email correctly. If it is incorrect, please refer to the previous question.
  • Have your parent/guardian check their spam/junk folders for it.
  • If they are still unable to locate the email, log into the application portal and click resend for the parent/guardian approval form.
I completed the Dual Enrollment school counselor portion of the DE application, but I misspelled the email address. How can I fix this?
  • If your school counselor has not been completed the form yet: log into the application portal, click on “change recommender” next to DE representative, and update the email. Don’t forget to click resend!
  • If your high school counselor has been completed, please email with your full name, date of birth, and the correct information for additional assistance.
I completed the student portion of the Dual Enrollment application, but my school counselor has not received the email. How can I fix this?
  • Review your submitted portion of the application by logging into the application portal and make sure you spelled their email correctly. If it is incorrect, please refer to the previous question.
  • Have your school counselor check their spam/junk folders for it.
  • If they are still unable to locate the email, log into the application portal and click resend for the DE representative approval form.
The application is not allowing me to continue. How can I fix this?
  • Always use the “save and continue” button as you complete the application. Please allow for a few minutes after clicking “save and continue” for the application to load each section.
I accidentally submitted incorrect personal/contact information on my application (date of birth, misspelled name, incorrect phone number, etc.). How can I fix this?
  • Please email with your full name, date of birth, and a detailed explanation along with the correct information for additional assistance.
How can I know if my parent/guardian and/or school counselor submitted their approval forms?
  • Log into the application portal and look at the right hand side of the screen. Items with a green check mark have been submitted and items with a red “x” have not been submitted. You can also view your application status in this portal.
Will I be automatically admitted to Dual Enrollment after submitting the application?
  • No. Applicants must submit their Dual Enrollment application by the application deadline, and obtain eligible assessment scores by the assessment score deadline to be admitted to the program. For more assessment information, please visit the Test Scores page.
When will I receive my Valencia ID Number (VID)?
  • After your Dual Enrollment Application has been completed with all required approvals, please allow five business days for your Valencia Identification Number (VID) to be issued and sent to the email address provided. Be sure to provide an accurate email address that is checked regularly. If you have previously applied, your VID number will remain the same.
When will I receive my acceptance letter?
  • Acceptance letters may take up to two weeks after receiving eligible college-level assessment scores. The letter will include your next steps for enrollment.