We are glad you are here to support your Valencia College Dual Enrollment student as they embark on this new journey in higher education. Your support is crucial to their success!
Whether your student is interested in Dual Enrollment or is already participating in Dual Enrollment, there are important details for you to know about the Dual Enrollment program and ways you can guide your student throughout their high school and college experience.
Can’t find what you’re looking for here? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.
- Application Available:
Monday, January 27, 2025 - Application Deadline:
Thursday, February 27, 2025 - Assessment Score Deadline:
Friday, April 11, 2025
Conversations to have with your student interested or already participating in Dual Enrollment.

Discuss Dual Enrollment program eligibility.
At the time of application, students must meet the admissions requirements:
- Be enrolled in an eligible Orange or Osceola County public, charter, private school. Home education students must be enrolled in an eligible Orange or Osceola County home education program.
- 3.0 unweighted high school GPA (grades 6-11) or 3.0 weighted high school GPA (grade 12)
- Submit college-level test scores for reading, writing, and math through PERT/SAT/ACT
Discuss your student's educational goals while participating in Dual Enrollment.
Is your student planning to take a few college courses or planning to earn the Associate
in Arts degree while a Dual Enrollment student?
Discuss your student's commitment to take college classes while in high school.
Does your student have ample time to commit to college coursework if they are in extracurricular
high school activities, working, or have family obligations?
Discuss the reality of starting a college footprint early.
All credits and grades earned are included on the permanent college transcript.

Empower your student to become independent.
As a Dual Enrollment student, they will learn to advocate for themselves through engaging with faculty, the Dual Enrollment office, and Valencia College student support services.
The Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA) protects a college student’s educational records, including Dual Enrollment students.
"When a student reaches 18 years of age or attends an institution of postsecondary education at any age, the student becomes an 'eligible student,' and all rights under FERPA transfer from the parent to the student." (What Is FERPA? | Protecting Student Privacy, n.d.) For more information, review the guide on student's rights.
Dual Enrollment students have the discretion to allow parents/legal guardians access to their educational records by completing the Student Consent to Release Education Records in their Valencia student account.
Help your student set aside 2 hours for every 1 hour in class - to study, read and do homework.
College content differs from high school and the expectations are much higher. Encourage your student to dedicate additional study time to be successful in their Valencia classes.
Help your student pay attention to deadlines and program policies = they're important.
Faculty provide students with deadlines for their assignments and other course requirements in the syllabus. There are collegewide deadlines that can be found in the academic calendar. Dual Enrollment students must follow these deadlines to remain compliant with program policies including but not limited to the drop and withdrawal deadlines.
Provide support and encouragement when assignments get tough, often during the middle of the semester and exam time.
For additional support in college classes, students can reach out to their professor for help and take advantage of learning support including free tutoring!
College changes people. Your student will encounter new ideas and skills - and grow as a result. Ask your student about what he or she is learning.
The Dual Enrollment program promotes personal and educational growth for our students. It is important to acknowledge and remember dual enrollment courses contain adult level curriculum, pedagogy, and expectations for student behavior.
Below you will find the requirements shared with your student to maintain eligibility for the Dual Enrollment program.
Valencia College Academic Standards
Good Standing
Maintaining a Valencia GPA of 2.0 or higher.
Academic Warning
If your Valencia term GPA falls below 2.0, you will be placed on academic warning. To be removed from academic warning at the end of the next term, you must achieve a minimum term and cumulative GPA of 2.0.
- You may only retake courses that were completed with a D, F, or W for grade forgiveness.
- Please advise third attempts for Dual Enrollment courses are not permitted.
- Dual Enrollment students are permitted to withdraw from one class during program participation. Stay familiar with academic calendar for the drop and withdrawal deadlines for each term.
- We're here to help! Tutoring services, counseling services, and additional learning support resources are available to Dual Enrollment students with no cost!
Academic Probation
If your Valencia term GPA falls below 2.0 for two successive terms, you will be placed on academic probation resulting ineligibility to continue in the Dual Enrollment program. You may return to Valencia to pursue your educational goals after high school graduation.
High School Academic Standards
If your high school cumulative GPA falls below a 3.0, your Dual Enrollment participation will be temporarily suspended. Your school counselor must notify the Dual Enrollment Office when your unweighted high school GPA returns to a 3.0 or higher to be reinstated.
Schedule an appointment with your school's assigned Dual Enrollment Coordinator for course selection, scheduling, and academic success strategies.

Dual Enrollment (DE) students guide to free support services and academic success strategies to make the most of your dual enrollment experience!

Dual Enrollment students can work toward obtaining the AA degree.