Assessment as a Tool for Learning
Competency Videos
Valencia educators will develop student growth through consistent, timely formative and summative measures, and promote students' abilities to self-assess. Assessment practices will invite student feedback on the teaching and learning process as well as on student achievement.
Performance Indicators: Evidence of Learning
The faculty member will
- design and employ a variety of assessment measures and techniques, both formative and summative, to form a more complete picture of learning (e.g., classroom assessment techniques, authentic assessments, oral presentations, exams, student portfolios, journals, projects, etc.)
- design activities to help students refine their abilities to self-assess their learning
- employ formative feedback to assess the effectiveness of teaching, counseling, and librarianship practices
- employ formative feedback loops that assess student learning and inform students of their learning progress
- communicate assessment criteria to students and colleagues
- give timely feedback on learning activities and assessments
- evaluate effectiveness of assessment strategies and grading practices
- align formative and summative assessments with learning activities and outcomes
Indicators provide examples of how competencies can be demonstrated in an Individualized Learning Plan. While all Essential Competencies need to be demonstrated, only some indicators need to be employed in the ILP process.