General Tutoring - Music Theory
In an effort to provide more efficient service, the bulk of LSC General Tutoring is drop-in. Students can meet with tutors during the times listed below - no appointment is necessary!
For more Tutoring Center information, visit the LSC Welcome Desk in 4-101 or call the desk at: 407-582-2540.
Tutoring Hours & Location
Music Theory tutoring is located on East Campus in Room 4-112.
Tutor availability is not guaranteed. We encourage you to call ahead if you need last minute details: 407-582-2540.
Monday | TBD |
Tuesday | TBD |
Wednesday | TBD |
Thursday | TBD |
Friday | TBD |
Saturday | TBD |
Meet Our Tutors
Recently had a tutoring session or have general feedback? Tell us how we're doing!
Tutor Survey