Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join the Pre Med Club? You can join us by clicking on the membership application link and filling out an application.

What is required to join? Any interested student can join the club by filling out a membership application.

What is AMSA? AMSA is the American Medical Student Association, a student-run organization that represents the concerns of and provides resources to physicians-in-training. Please visit the AMSA website at for more information. The Pre Med Club manages the Valencia College AMSA Chapter, which is open to any interested Valencia student who has joined AMSA.

How do I join AMSA? You can join AMSA at, then click on the Member Center link.

How do I become a chapter officer of the Valencia AMSA chapter? You can become an officer for the Valencia AMSA chapter by communicating with the Pre Med Club President and Advisor (see the Officers page for our contact info). Contact us to find out more – we need responsible, energetic future practitioners to take leadership roles and serve our pre-professional community!

How often does the Club meet? Because schedules change each semester, meetings are scheduled at different times. Meetings will be held once a month – Look out for newsletter for dates and times. We also coordinate tours of medical facilities, programs, and laboratories as they become available. Once a member, you will receive notifications of upcoming events.

How do I become an officer in the Pre Med Club? To be an officer in the Pre Med Club, you must be enrolled at Valencia’s West Campus in at least 6 credit hours. You’ll need the time to attend the executive board and general meetings as well as fulfill certain SGA requirements. Please refer to the Officers Page for more information.

What are the officer positions in the Pre Med Club? The officers of this organization shall include (in order of succession) a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Event Coordinator, Community Leader, Research Leader, Creative Director, Membership Chairperson, Event Coordinator, Historian, and Task Force Leader. Please refer to the Officers Page for more information.

What is the benefit of becoming an officer? The primary benefit comes from serving our student community. However, other benefits include earning volunteer hours, gaining leadership experience, honing leadership skills and working with practitioners and pre-professional students in the Central Florida community. Medical schools expect their applicants to have a history of service and leadership; being part of the club is a great way to gain this.

I want to help, but I can’t become an officer. Do you have a role for me? Yes! Even if you can’t be an officer because you don’t meet the criteria or have other restrictions, we still need energetic, responsible people to take the lead for certain club activities.