Frequently Asked Questions

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Question Answer
Where is the library?

Many campuses have a library.
The Downtown Campus Library is on the second floor of the Dr. Phillips Academic Commons Building.
East Campus Library is located on the second floor of Building 4.
Lake Nona Campus Library can be found in Building 1, Room 330.
Osceola Campus Library is in Building 4, Room 202.
Poinciana Campus Library is in Building 1, Room 331.
West Campus Library is in Building 6.
Winter Park library is in Room 140.

What are the library's hours?

Each campus library has different hours of operation. Please call ahead to verify the current library schedule.

Do you have any study rooms?

Each campus has some type of quiet study area from group or individual study rooms to quiet study zones. Ask each campus what options are available.

What if I lost something at the Library?

Check with the library’s Circulation Desk to see if the item was turned over to library staff first. Lost items are turned over to the Security Department on each campus.

Is there a place where I can watch or listen to media materials in the Library?

All libraries have headphones for checkout at the Circulation Desk so you can listen to DVD’s, streaming videos, etc. at a library computer station.

Does the library have scanners?

Yes. All libraries have multi-function devices with printing, copying, and scanning capability. Some libraries also provide separate, high definition scanners. Ask a library staff member for scanning options at your location.

Does the library have fax machines?

Valencia libraries do not have fax machines. Each campus may have another department that offers faxing. Just ask!

How do I check out a book?

Present your Valencia ID card with the item you want to check out at the Circulation Desk. All items must be checked out with a Valencia ID.

How do I get a Library card?

Your Valencia ID card is your library card. You can get your first card free at each campus Security Department.

How many books can I check out?

You may have a total of 25 items checked out on your account at any one time.

How do I pay a library fine?

Library fines can be paid at the Business Office on each campus except Lake Nona and Winter Park. Library fines are paid in the Lake Nona Campus Administrative Office, Room 302. Library fines are paid in the Winter Park Answer Center.

How do I renew my materials online?

Before an item is overdue, log into your library account to renew. Log into Atlas, click on the Courses tab, go to the Libraries box, click on Search the Library. In the upper right hand corner of the catalog page, click on your name to see what books you have checked out, when they are due, and if you have any fines. If there are no holds on the item, you can renew it once. If the item is overdue, you cannot renew a book online and must return the item to any Valencia library.

Can I return materials to any Valencia Library?

All Valencia library materials may be returned to any campus library. If you have interlibrary loan materials borrowed through Valencia but from another school, you must bring that item back to the library where you originally checked it out.

How do I request a book from another Valencia College library? How long will it take?

You can request library materials from other Valencia campuses and have them delivered to a specific campus. Through the Valencia College Library catalog, sign in and click on the Request Item link in the catalog entry for the item you want. Choose the campus location you want the item delivered to. Deliveries between campuses usually take between 2 - 3 days. You will receive an email to your Atlas account once the item is delivered to the location of your choosing.

How do I request a book or article from outside Valencia College? How long will it take?

The Valencia College Library is part of a few different interlibrary loan systems. Books and articles can be requested from other Florida colleges and universities. In addition, we’re part of a system that can request materials from other member libraries worldwide. It usually takes approximately 2 weeks to receive materials from other institutions.

How can I tell if my book is overdue?

Log into Atlas, click on the Courses tab, go to the Libraries box, click on Search the Library. In the upper right hand corner of the catalog page, click on your name to see what books you have checked out, when they are due, and if you have any fines.

Can a librarian help me when the Library is closed?

The Valencia College Library is part of a statewide system of research help called Ask-A-Librarian. Live chat with a Florida librarian is available 10 am - midnight Sunday -Thursday and 10 am to 5 pm Friday and Saturday. Email and texting are also available and will be answered by a Valencia librarian during Valencia business hours.

How and where can I make copies in the Library?

All libraries have multi-function devices with printing, copying, and scanning capability.Black-and-white copies cost $.10 per page, while color copies cost $.20.

Can I print in color in the Library?

Yes. All libraries have multi-function devices with color printing, color copying, and color scanning capability. Color printing or copying costs $.20 per page.

Does the library loan textbooks?

Each campus library has a Reserved Materials section that contains some textbooks and other materials for classroom use. Each campus collection is different. You can look for reserve materials on the Valencia College Library catalog page, Advanced Search, select Course Reserves and enter a subject or book title.

How do I find a specific item?

The Library catalog has search tools to help refine your research. If you are looking for a book, you can enter the subject, author’s name, or title into the catalog’s search terms box. You can also limit the search to a specific campus and/or the type of materials (books, articles, ebooks, etc.)

Where can I look up books?

Search for materials by using the Valencia College Library catalog. It can be accessed from anywhere you have Internet access. Log into your Atlas account, go to the Courses tab, find the Libraries box, and click on Search the Library.

How do I find electronic resources/databases?

On the Valencia College Library catalog page, the toolbar at the top of the page has a number of links to access the databases. Click on Databases A-Z to find many different databases.

How do I cite the information I use in my paper?

The Valencia College Library has a website with information about the MLA, APA and Chicago Style guides. The site offers examples for citations for all three styles along with sample papers for you to view. If you have specific citation questions, visit the Communications Center available on each campus.

I can’t find the answer to my question in these FAQ; where can I get more help?

Library-specific or Valencia-specific questions can be answered during operating hours by the Library Information Desk at each campus. Downtown Campus (407) 235-3720
East Campus, (407) 582-2456
Lake Nona Campus, (407) 582-7107
Osceola Campus, (407) 582-4154
Poinciana Campus, (407) 582-6027
West Campus, (407) 582-1432
Winter Park Campus, (407) 582-6832

You can contact the library by e-mailing with questions about your library account, access, fines, holds, and check-outs.

Students who need help with technology skills, such as Microsoft Office, devices, Canvas, or applications like YouTube can request an online appointment with a staff member in Learning Support.

After hours, go to Ask-A-Librarian for research-related questions.