Learning Technology Support

Students who need help with laptop checkout or technology skills, such as Microsoft Office, Canvas, devices, or applications can request an online appointment with a staff member in Learning Support by filling out this form Learning Technology Support Request Form

The libraries have a few laptops for short term loans to students.  For laptops, contact your closest campus Valencia College library.  

All campus libraries have computer labs and access to printing and scanning during open building hours.  Libraries have some devices available for short term loans.  Devices available for check-out vary by location.  Larger libraries have laptops, iPads, calculators, headphones, etc. 


Internet Use when Campus is open:

Computer Workstations

Computer workstations are available for student, faculty and staff use. All Valencia users must log in to library workstations using their Atlas Username and PIN; UCF Valencia West and Osceola campus students must use their NID and PID.

All users MUST log in using their own credentials. Users MAY NOT:

  • Log in with an Atlas Username / PIN or NID / PID that is not their own.
  • Knowingly utilize another person's log-in credentials by using a workstation that was not properly logged off by the previous user.
  • Give their Atlas Username / PIN or NID / PID to another individual for the purposes of allowing access to Valencia computers.
  • Purposely allow others to utilize their log-in credentials by failing to log off a Valencia computer.

Please note: All Internet and network traffic is subject to logging / monitoring. Do not give your log in credentials to anyone else to use. Always log out when you have finished working.

Wireless Network

Valencia wi-fi is available throughout the Library building. Students, faculty and staff must log in to the wireless network by pointing your browser to and entering your Atlas Username and PIN.

Visitors and Guests

Please see our Visitors and Guests page for information.

Acceptable Use of Library Computers

Access to research computers in the Library is available to currently enrolled Valencia College students, staff and faculty, currently enrolled UCF Valencia West and/or UCF Valencia Osceola Campus students.

Library Computers provide access to the Internet, library electronic resources, and course-specific software.

Research and course-related uses have priority on all library workstations, at all times.
The privilege of using library computers means that users comply with the guidelines herein, the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy and the Valencia College Student Code of Conduct.

Unacceptable Uses of Library Computers

  • Displaying images, sound or text which disrupts or creates an atmosphere of distress or harassment of other users.
  • Committing illegal or unethical acts, including unauthorized entry ("hacking") into other computers.
  • Willful damaging or altering computer hardware or software.
  • Internet hardware/software is to be used as installed and cannot be modified, deleted or enhanced.
  • Downloading or installing inappropriate files, programs, etc., to any hard drive or network drive.
  • Using any Valencia computers for commercial purposes.
  • Violating software license agreements, copyright laws and fair use provisions through inappropriate reproduction or dissemination of licensed or copyrighted text, images, etc. Consider everything on the Internet to be copyrighted or licensed.

Failure to abide by this Acceptable Use statement may result in the user's access privileges being revoked.

All Internet and network traffic is subject to logging / monitoring. Valencia's online privacy policy can be reviewed at the following: Privacy Statement

Special Considerations by Campus

West Campus

Computers are located on the 1st and second floors of the West Campus Library. Laptop loans are available at the circulation desk on the first floor.

East Campus

The Library Computer Lab is the Library's academic research lab. Access to the Internet and online databases is provided for the academic support and research of Valencia's students, faculty and staff.

  • Users must have a current Valencia ID.
  • Workstations are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Reference and technical assistance is available.
  • Library Computer Lab users are required to abide to the Computer Guidelines.

Phone (407) 582-2889

Location Building 4, Room 201

Questions/Comments? Call us at (407) 582-2889 or send us an email.