Florida Prepaid College Plans
Florida Prepaid College Plans at Valencia are administered by the Business Office.
Once you have registered for classes, and tuition and fees have been assessed we will automatically defer the maximum eligible amount that can be billed for all participants who are in good standing with Florida Prepaid, if your social security number and date of birth has been provided to Valencia College. You are not required to notify the Business Office that you want to use your prepaid plan if we have the correct personal identifiable information on file.
Please review your account on Atlas to determine that your Florida Prepaid has been applied. Contact the Business Office in the event that your account has not been updated within 48 hours after your initial registration for the term. Your deferral and the Florida Prepaid payment are limited to the amount of credits remaining in your prepaid plan as reflected on your annual statement from Florida Prepaid.
At the time we invoice near the end of each term, your Florida Prepaid account must be in good standing and have sufficient credit hours available. If applicable, please notify Florida Prepaid to release any holds. If for any reason we are unable to complete the billing process, we will reverse the Florida Prepaid payment for your classes, and you will be responsible for the balance due payable to Valencia immediately.
If for any reason you do not want Valencia College to bill Florida Prepaid on your behalf or would like to reduce the number of hours billed, please complete and sign the and return to the Business Office by the authorization formpayment deadline. An authorization form must be completed for each term you elect not to use your prepaid plan. You will be responsible for any balance remaining owed after the Florida Prepaid payment is removed.
Should you have any questions concerning procedures, please contact that Business Office at BusinessOffice@valenciacollege.edu.
I have Florida Pre Paid College Plan. What do I have to do?
The Florida Pre Paid College Plan will cover your fees automatically. After registering for classes, please check your Atlas account to ensure that the charges were covered by the Plan. If not, please visit the Business Office. Your fees will be credited automatically. Please allow 24-48 hours for processing. Call 1-800-552-4723 for more information or visit their website at www.myfloridaprepaid.com
What do I do if I don’t want to use my Florida Prepaid?
If for any reason you do not want Valencia College to bill Florida Prepaid on your behalf or would like to reduce the number of hours billed, please complete and sign the authorization form and return to the Business Office by the payment deadline.
If I have Florida Pre Paid, why do I have to pay anything?
The first plans issued for Florida Pre-Paid did not cover the Student Activity Fee , Technology Fee nor did it cover any special fees. If you have any question regarding your Florida Prepaid program, contact 1-800-552-4723 or you may visit their website at www.myfloridaprepaid.com

Florida Prepaid College Plan
If you have any question regarding your Florida Prepaid program, contact 1-800-552-4723 or visit their website.
Important Notice
If you are a beneficiary of a scholarship, please complete the survey that is required from Florida Prepaid each year.
Fees Not Paid by Florida Prepaid
Please be aware that there are certain fees that may not covered by your Florida Prepaid
Plan. For detailed tuition and fees information, refer to the Financial Information & Fees section of the Valencia Catalog.
In general, Florida Prepaid Plan will not cover:
- Student Activity Fee;
- Technology Fee;
- Special Fees (including lab fee);
- Distance Learning Fee.
If you are enrolled in the separately purchased Florida Prepaid Local Fee Plan, some of the additional mandatory fees may be covered.
Check your Atlas account to determine if you have a balance due prior to the payment deadline. It is extremely important to verify your balance due after making changes to your
course schedule as this can affect the amount owed.
Payments can be made through the web through Atlas, by mail or in person at the Business Office.