Faculty Hub

Welcome to the Valencia College Faculty Hub!

Testing and Assessment Centers will be servicing students for the following exams:

  • Accommodated Testing- Any student with testing accommodations approved by our Office for Students with Disabilities
  • Make-up tests for face-to-face and mixed-mode- intended for students who missed a classroom test or quiz due to an extenuating circumstance and have the faculty member’s permission to sit for the test or quiz in the testing and assessment center. 

*Testing and Assessment Centers do not service full classes or online courses. Honorlock will continue to be available for course proctoring.

At A Glance:

  • Test submissions should be fully completed and submitted  1 business day prior to your test date to ensure students can follow the 1 hour in advance registration policy. Particular OSD accommodations require 5 business days in advance (see "Additional Notes" section below).
  • You may make changes to your submission after it has been submitted, however, If you need to make an edit to the dates, duration, or location, please email your Testing and Assessment Center. 
Steps to Submit Your Test Referral

Submit your referral by clicking on your home campus link below to access your  RegisterBlast Account: 

NOTE: RegisterBlast recently updated the look and feel of the Professor Module. 

Please select your Home Campus below:


Review the links below on how to submit you test referral.

NOTE: RegisterBlast recently updated the look and feel of the Professor Module. 

If you do not see the faculty tabs in RegisterBlast after signing in with your Atlas credentials, please contact your home campus Testing and Assessment Center. 


Wait 1 business day for your test to be approved by the Testing and Assessment Center(s).

Additional Notes:

Student Appointments

Accommodated Students

  • Faculty members who have students with approved accommodations and will need to use the Testing and Assessment Center, are encouraged to submit all of their exams in RegisterBlast at the beginning of the semester so their OSD students can make their appointments early.  If you have questions on what test information you need at time of test submission, feel free to contact your home campus Testing and Assessment Center. 
  • Students in your course(s) that have accommodated testing for alternate test format, scribe or readers should be done at least 5 business days in advance to ensure students make their appointment within the 4 business days in advance policy. This will ensure the Testing and Accessibility staff have enough time to support the accommodation.
  • Students who's accommodations are not showing in their RegisterBlast Account when making their appointment should email their campus   Office for Students With Disabilities.

Valencia College Faculty Resources

Home Campus Contacts

Campus Email Phone
East eac-testingcenter@valenciacollege.edu 407-582-2520
West wec-testingcenter@valenciacollege.edu 407-582-1323
Osceola osc-testingcenter@valenciacollege.edu 407-582-4149
Poinciana PNC-TestingCenter@valenciacollege.edu 407-582-6052
Lake Nona lnc_testingcenter@valenciacollege.edu 407-582-7104
Winter Park wpc-testingcenter@valenciacollege.edu 407-582-6086
Downtown dtctestingcenter@valenciacollege.edu 407-235-3825

Faculty Frequently Asked Questions

What type of testing will be offered at Valencia College Testing and Assessment Centers?
Appointment based testing only:

  • Valencia College accommodated Testing (ADA)
  • Valencia College Standardized Testing (ACCUPLACER ESL, AAF, PERT, CLEP, and TEAS)
  • Valencia College Makeup Course Testing for Mixed-Mode & Face-to-Face courses
    • Valencia College Make-up testing is intended for students who missed a classroom test or quiz due to an extenuating circumstance.

*Face-to-Face course exams will only be proctored for accommodated testing and make-up exams.


  • Faculty must submit referrals and tests through RegisterBlast at least 1 business day before students are able to schedule appointments.
  • All testing/scheduling submissions must be reviewed and approved by the corresponding Testing and Assessment Center. Testing and Assessment Centers will review and approve submissions within 1 business day.

What proctoring services are not provided?

  • Online course testing
  • Full classes (approved make up exams only)

How do I set up a RegisterBlast account as a faculty member?
Great news, your account has already been created! Please follow the steps in the link below.

How do I submit my test to the Testing Center?
Submit your exam information through RegisterBlast. Please follow the steps in the links below:

How do I receive my completed exams?

  1. Pick up any paper/pencil exams from the Testing and Assessment Center.
  2. Interoffice Mail
  3. Request tests to be scanned and emailed to you (this is a courtesy service please check with your testing center).

How do I contact the Testing Staff?
Please check our website for contact information for your campuses testing and assessment center:
Testing and Assessment

What happens if a student violates the testing center policies or is suspected of academic dishonesty?
Students who violate the Student Standards of Conduct may be directed by the Testing and Assessment Services staff to stop the test and will be escorted out of the testing center. Any violations will be reported to you and your Dean. Based on the severity of the incident, may be reported to Student Conduct for disciplinary action. You will receive an incident report filled out by the testing and assessment center staff.

Is there a charge for students to test at our Valencia College Testing and Assessment Centers?
There is no charge to students taking a course exam.

How do I know that the exam submission is secure?
RegisterBlast takes exam security and privacy very seriously. All submissions are stored on a domestic server, and only Testing and Assessment Center staff will have access to that information. Other faculty or students cannot view your test, test materials, or submission information. RegisterBlast is also a member of the National College Testing Association (NCTA) and used by other prominent institutions.

Is there a maximum limit on the number of exams I can submit in RegisterBlast per semester?
There is no limit to the quantity of exams you can submit, however please keep in mind we are only proctoring for makeup exams (for F2F and Mixed-Mode) and students with approved accommodations. Please note that seating may be limited at certain times of the semester, student registrations will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.

Is there a file upload size?
The maximum size of all attachments combined are limited to 9MB.

Is there a limit to the number of attachments?
There is no limit to the number of attachments however please note, processing time may be impacted.

Can I email my exams to the Testing and Assessment Center?
Exams must be submitted through RegisterBlast.

What if me or my student has a last-minute emergency?
Please contact your campus Testing and Assessment Center directly to discuss your needs. Emergencies are handled on a case-by-case basis.