Testing Types


The PERT is an entry-level placement test required of all degree seeking students in the Florida College System (FCS) according to Florida Statutes. This test will determine your initial placement in English, reading and mathematics courses.


The ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP) is designed to assess your English proficiency if you have learned English as an additional language to your native language.

Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE)

The FCLE assesses students' civic literacy competency.

Advanced Algebra and Functions (AAF)

The AAF is used to determine if a student is ready for a higher-level math such as Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus etc.


The CLEP is a series of standardized tests that helps you receive college credit for what you already know, for a fraction of the cost of a college course.


The TEAS is designed specifically to assess a student's preparedness entering the health science fields.

Course Testing Student

Register for an appointment to take a course exam.

Course Testing Faculty

Testing and Assessment Center Resources for faculty.

Distance Testing 

Proctoring services for non-Valencia students taking online or distance learning courses from other colleges and universities that require exams to be administered in a proctored environment.