Valencia's Financial Aid Services Disbursement Process

Federal Student Aid Payment Authorization Instructions

You must have a completed payment authorization on file to charge books and supplies. The Bookstore will have information about the amount of financial aid you have available for books and will allow you to charge your bookstore purchase against the expected financial aid. The dates you can charge books will be on the Bookstore's web page.

Quick Links:

Paying for Classes with Financial Aid

Once you have been awarded financial aid and meet all requirements, your awards will be authorized. Financial aid programs are calculated on courses that are part of your program. All students are awarded based on full-time enrollment and the amount of funds authorized will be based on actual enrollment.

Note: Funds will only disburse for courses required for your degree or certificate. Make sure to check your Atlas email for Financial Aid Non-Compliant Course Notification and take appropriate action.

If your authorized financial aid funds cover your entire tuition bill your classes will be automatically protected. If you have a balance after course eligibility is determined and financial aid is applied you will need to pay the difference, otherwise your classes may be dropped on the fee payment deadline.

If you do not plan to attend Valencia it is your responsibility to drop your classes by the end of the drop/refund period or you will be responsible for the tuition and fees.

You can see whether your funds have authorized by checking your billing statement in Atlas. Go to the Students Tab, choose Financial Aid under STUDENT RESOURCES on the left side of the screen. Then select the Term Balance Less Anticipated Financial Aid link.

Financial Aid TV

Have Questions About Financial Aid?
Learn about financial aid through these short videos.

Grad Ready

Need help managing your tuition, budget, or bills?
This money saving, student loan explaining site has great videos, tools, and resources to help you get real-world ready!

Click on Learn More below to log in or create a GradReady Account

Charging Books and Supplies with Financial Aid

If your aid is more than your tuition and fees and your financial aid funds have been authorized you may charge books and supplies in the bookstore during the published dates listed on the Valencia College Bookstore web page. Usually this begins 2-3 weeks prior to the term and is available through the end of the drop/refund period. Visit the bookstore web page for published dates for the term. If you charge books and then are not eligible for the funding you will be responsible for any charges.

Receiving a Financial Aid Services Refund

At Valencia we start processing refunds the week of classes after the “no show” reporting period listed on the online calendar Important Dates & Deadlines. Review the chart below to determine when you should expect your refund. All Valencia tuition, fee, and book charges will be paid before any refund will be issued.

Once the disbursement process begins, refunds are issued on most Fridays and disbursed based on your selected refund preference.

Lime News

Along our mission to promote financial literacy among the student body, we research relevant resources to share every month with our peers. Our desire is to equip our students to wisely manage their moneys throughout their college experience. Our content varies from educational videos to apps and promotions that can help our students save money and time.

Don’t miss one release!

Disbursements will begin on the following dates for the Fall, Spring, and Summer Term. Please note if you have courses in later parts-of terms your funds will be disbursed according to the schedule below. You should budget accordingly based on your enrollment and expected disbursement date.

Term Disbursement begins for the term
Summer 2025 June 03, 2025
Fall 2025 September 09, 2025
Spring 2026 February 03, 2026
Summer 2026 June 09, 2026

The refund preference you selected will be credited with any refund due based on the timing below:
Money is transferred to an existing account the same business day BMTX, Inc. receives funds from your school. Typically, it takes 1 - 2 business days for the receiving bank to credit the money to your account.
If you open a BankMobile Vibe Checking Account (upon identity verification), money is deposited the same business day BMTX, Inc. receives funds from your school.

Disbursement Schedule

Financial Aid Program Disbursement Information Notes

Pell Grants

Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

Disbursement dates vary depending on the start dates of your enrolled courses for the term. If you are enrolled in late start classes (flex), your disbursement will be based on the no show reporting period for your latest starting class.

Funds will only disburse for courses considered compliant (required) for your degree or certificate. Both funds will prorate their disbursement depending on your level of enrollment in compliant hours. You must be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to receive these funds.

If you do not attend class or withdraw from your courses, you may be responsible to pay back these funds if they already disbursed on your account.

Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG)

Funds will disburse to your account beginning with the first disbursement for the term. The amount of FSAG will be prorated based on your total enrollment, including late start courses (flex).

If you withdraw or drop coursework prior to the actual disbursement for FSAG funds, payment for those withdrawn/dropped classes will not be made. FSAG will be prorated if you enroll for less than 12 credit hours in a given term. Withdrawn or unearned hours may affect future FSAG eligibility.


Federal Direct loans will be disbursed once a student has started attendance in at least one compliant course and have met the no show reporting period for that term and are enrolled in a total of at least six compliant credit hours towards an eligible degree program.

Students must be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress.

First Year, first time undergraduate borrowers are required to wait 30 days before receiving their first loan fund disbursement.

If a student selects a one term loan, the loan will be split into two disbursements.

If a student selects a two term loan, the loan will be split equally between the two terms.

Loan funds must be repaid once you graduate or drop below 6 credit hours. Depending on your situation, repayment may begin immediately or within 6 months.

Bright Futures

Bright Futures funds will disburse on your account beginning with the first scheduled disbursement for the term. The Bright Futures disbursement will be based on your total enrollment, including late start courses (flex).

If you withdraw from a course prior to disbursement, your Bright Futures award will be adjusted before payment.

Bright Futures requires repayment for withdrawn or dropped coursework.  If you withdraw or drop a course after Bright Futures disburses, you will be responsible for repaying the scholarship amount for that withdrawn/dropped course.  If repayment is not made, you will lose Bright Futures eligibility.

Institutional Programs: Bridges to Success Program, Honors

Disbursement of funds is determined by the program.


Valencia Funds: Advantage, VEOG Program, etc.

Institutional funds will disburse to your account beginning with the first disbursement for the term.


Will be disbursed according to the scholarship requirements and once the funding has been received from the donor organization.

The requirements should have been listed on your scholarship application or award letter.  You can contact the Scholarship donor for details.

Federal Work Study

Federal Work Study funds will be paid for time worked according to the payroll schedule.

Student must be working a FWS position, during the term, to be eligible for these funds

Disbursement Dates for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:

Fall 2024 Parts of Term

  Full term (8/19/24 - 12/08/24)
H1 (8/19/24 - 10/10/24)
TWK (9/23/24 - 12/08/24) H2 (10/11/24 - 12/08/24)
Class Start Date 8/19/2024 9/23/2024 10/11/2024
Compliant Hours Lock (Pell Census/freeze) 1 9/09/2024 10/21/2024 11/04/2024
FA Applied to Acct. 9/10/2024 10/22/2024 11/05/2024
Refund Issued to Student 9/13/2024 10/25/2024 11/08/2024

Spring 2025 Parts of Term

  Full term (1/06/25 - 4/27/25)
H1 (1/06/25 - 2/26/25)
TWK (2/10/25 - 4/27/25) H2 (2/27/25 - 4/27/25)
Class Start Date 1/06/2025 2/10/2025 2/27/2025
Compliant Hours Lock (Pell Census/freeze) 1 1/27/2025 3/03/2025 3/24/2025
FA Applied to Acct. 1/28/2025 3/04/2025 3/25/2025
Refund Issued to Student 1/31/2025 3/07/2025 3/28/2025

Summer 2025 Parts of Term

  Full term (5/05/25 - 7/28/25)
H1 (5/05/25 - 6/16/25)
TWK (6/02/25 - 7/28/25) H2 (6/17/25 - 7/28/25)
Class Start Date 5/05/2025 6/02/2025 6/17/2025
Compliant Hours Lock (Pell Census/freeze) 1 6/02/2025 6/23/2025 7/07/2025
FA Applied to Acct. 6/03/2025 6/24/2025 7/08/2025
Refund Issued to Student 6/06/2025 6/27/2025 7/11/2025
  • All dates are subject to change! Each student's federal aid will be disbursed at the date listed for the latest part of term they are enrolled.
  • If a student registers for a later part of term after this date has passed, the class will not be covered by financial aid.
  • Federal Direct loans will be disbursed once a student has started attendance in at least one compliant course and they are enrolled in at least 6 program compliant hours.

1    Compliant hours mean only courses that apply to your program. Pell census/freeze is the date your enrolled credit hours are locked for Pell Grant payment purposes.