Valencia's International College Program with Academic Training
at the Walt Disney World© Resort
Student Life
College Contacts
Community Resources & Local Attractions
Driver's License & Social Security Card
Safety & Emergency Procedures
Valencia Benefits & Resources
College Contacts/Responsible Officers
Karla Martell
Alternate Resposible Officer
Program Coordinator, Continuing Education
Valencia College
1800 S Kirkman Road, Building 10
Orlando, FL 32811
Telephone: 407-582-6717
Fax Number: 407-582-6610
Tatiana Tyler
Alternate Responsible Officer
Academic Advisor
Valencia College
1800 S Kirkman Road, Building 10
Orlando, FL 32811
Telephone: 407-582-6601
Fax Number: 407-582-6610
Talia Popovski
Director, International Student Recruitment and Global Engagement
Valencia College
1800 S Kirkman Road, Building 10
Orlando, FL 32811
Telephone: 407-582-5031
Fax Number: 407-582-1419
Community Resources & Local Attractions

While you are living in Orlando, Florida, we want to make sure that you have easy access to the resources you need for everyday life, as well as information on things to do and local attractions. The community resources page has information on transportation, insurance, medical care, libraries and other public services, as well as links to event calendars, shopping malls and outlets, theme parks, festivals, performing arts, museums, and galleries.
Driver's License & Social Security Card
Driver's License: If you want to drive a car, you will need a Florida Driver's License issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). To obtain a license, you must:
- Pass a written test and a driving test
- Bring your DS-2019, visa, passport, I-94 card, and social security number (if issued). Check when you make your appointment to see if other documents are required.
NOTE: Florida law defines a bicycle as a vehicle so bicyclists are subject to many of the same responsibilities as operators of motor vehicles and subject to the same citations and fines for violating traffic law. For more information, visit:
Social Security Card: After you have been in the U.S. for ten days, a Disney representative will take you to the local Social Security Administration so you can apply for your Social Security card, which is necessary for employment in the U.S.
Safety & Emergency Procedures
Personal Safey
Valencia has a Security department as well as a website designed to create an environment that is safe for its students. For detailed information on safety and security go to: Valencia Security. Below are guidelines for staying safe.
Everyday Living
- Keep emergency phone numbers accessible.
- Lock all doors and windows every time you leave your apartment.
- Keep apartment and car keys on separate rings.
- Do not lend your keys to people you do not know well.
- Always ask service people to identify themselves before allowing them to enter your apartment.
- Get to know your neighbors so you can help each other.
- Do not keep large sums of money, jewelry, or valuable items in plain view in your apartment, room, or vehicle.
- Leave spare keys with trusted neighboors, not under a doormat or in a flower planter.
Try to avoid entering elevators occupied by strangers. If you are waiting for an elevator with a stranger, stand away from the door to avoid being pushed inside. Get off on the next floor if you feel uneasy. Hit the alarm button if you are accosted on the elevator.
When Walking
Avoid dark, vacant, or deserted areas; use well-lit and traveled areas. Avoid walking alone with a music player and earphones--you can't hear people approaching from behind.
- Avoid walking or jogging alone, especially at night. Ask a friend to jog with you.
- Dress in clothes and shoes that will not hamper movement.
- Be alert and aware of your surroundings at all times.
- Carry a noise-making device with you at all times and use it if you suspect you are in danger, then move to a lighted area or building and raise a commotion. Call 911 or activate a call box in the event of an emergency.
If You Sense You Are in Trouble
- Move away from the potential threat if possible.
- Join any group of people nearby; cross the street and increase your pace.
- If a threatening situation is imminent, and people are close by, help, yell, scream, or make a commotion in any way you can to get their attention.
- If you are facing an armed criminal, you may minimize the risk of injury if you comply with his/her demands. However, if your life is in immediate danger, use any defense you can to get away.
- Dial 911 immediately and give a description of the suspect.
When Driving
- Make sure no one is hiding in your vehicle.
- Drive on well-traveled streets and keep your car in gear while stopped.
- Keep doors locked, windows shut, and keep valuables out of sight, either covered or in the trunk.
- Open the hood and stay inside if your car breaks down. If someone stops to help, do not open your window or door, but have them call for assistance.
- Ask someone for specific directions before you leave if you do not know the location of your destination.
- Do not pull over until you find a well-lit public area where you can stop and ask directions if you get lost.
- Drive to a well-lit public area and call the police if you suspect you are being followed.
Because carjacking has become a growing phenomenon, beware of people who:
- yell, honk, and point at your car as if something is wrong. If your car breaks down, stay inside and lock the doors. If anyone approaches to help, crack the window and ask them to call the police. Ask nonuniformed and uniformed people to show identification;
- motion and ask you to stop and lend assistance. If you want to assist someone whose car has broken down, go to the nearest phone and call the police;
- flash headlights at you;
- bump your vehicle from behind. If you think you were bumped intentionally, signal the other person to follow you to the nearest police station.
Most importantly, if a person with a weapon confronts you and wants your vehicle, give it up. No car is worth being injured or losing your life over.
Personal Information
Not only can thieves steal your physical possessions, they can also use your personal information to steal from you. Many times you unknowingly provide them with this information. Here are some items you should never provide to strangers over the phone:
- Your credit card number or expiration date, unless you know the company is reputable. Thieves can use these numbers to make purchases of their own.
- Your checking account number can be used to withdraw money from your account.
- Your telephone calling card number can be used to charge unwanted calls to your account.
- Your Social Security number can be used by someone else to find out information about you or to establish a false identity. Only give it out if it is legally required.
- Your driver's license number may allow someone to obtain information about you, such as your physical description.
- Health information, such as your insurance, medical, mental history, and doctor can be used to fraudulently obtain health care and health services.
- Information about your apartment security system, such as whether or not you have one.
- Information about those who live with you or whether you live alone.
- Financial information, such as annual income.
Emergency Procedures
- In the event of an emergency, dial 9-1-1. Be sure to have your address location. This number is used to dispatch fire, police, and ambulance and should only be called in the event of an emergency.
- Hospitals in Orlando are Orlando Healthcare and Florida Hospital. Florida Hospital has walk-in Centra Care Clinics in many locations. For more information visit:
Weather Cancellations
- In the event of a hurricane or other inclement weather, you can listen to local radio and television stations or college closing advisories. You can also call Valencia's emergency number at: 407-582-1691 or 1692 or visit the college's website at or
- Make up time for classes missed will be scheduled when you return to class.
Disaster Preparedness
- In the event of a major emergency, monitor local radio and television stations and follow the advice of local emergency officials.
- If you must evacuate to a new location, make sure you take important documents with you, such as:
- Passport
- Visa
- SEVIS-issued DS 2019
- Social Security card
- Financial records
- Plane tickets
- Health insurance card
- Checks and credit cards
- Contact numbers or email addresses to keep in touch with your designated school officials: Responsible Officer (RO) or Alternate Responsible Officer (ARO)
- SEVP contact information: email
- or 1-800-961-5294
Valencia Benefits & Resources
- As a JEV student, you will receive a Valencia Student ID card. This identification card will give you access to all Valencia events as well as libraries, computer labs, and writing centers at any college campus.
- You can also get discounts on transportation, restaurants, and movie theaters.
Libraries and Other Learning Resources
West Campus
Computer Access Lab
The Computer Access Lab is available to any Valencia student with an active Atlas account. The Computer Access Lab offers a wide variety of software that can help you complete your assignments.
Instructional support, research assistance, research computers, computer access lab, and wireless access.
Writing Center
The Writing Center is staffed with faculty-level English, Reading, and EAP instructors. The instructors go over essays and other writing assignments with students. Open to all students. Appointments are required.
Osceola Campus
Learning Center
The Learning Center is the primary site for nonclassroom based learning at the Osceola Campus and includes peer tutoring, communication labs, math labs, IT support, and open computer lab. It is a one-stop center where students can access technology and receive personal assistance.
Open to all students. Internet access and online databases available for research purposes. Online databases can be accessed by remote access.
Language Lab
This lab provides students with ESL tools as well as assistance to help them succeed.