The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)

Interactive workbook of CCSSE 2017 and 2019 data available here:
Discussion and Decision Dataset--CCSSE

 (Overview of how to use the data available online).

The CCSSE provides information about effective educational practice in community colleges and assists institutions in using that information to strengthen student learning and persistence. Student engagement is defined as the amount of time and energy students invest in meaningful educational practices. Please contact our office for more information and customized reports using the CCSSE data.

Learn more about CCSSE:

Please email the Institutional Evaluation Office if you have any questions about the CCSSE:

CCSSE 2019 results are in. Select reports from the items below.

Valencia College is one among several hundred colleges that administer the CCSSE. We have administered it almost every other year, since 2002. Each campus has a coordinator and a team of faculty and staff members who take the surveys and pencils into individual classrooms. As a result of their teamwork our college has one of the highest response rates among all of those that administer the survey nation-wide.


2019 Key Findings for Valencia College Report

The Key Findings report provides an entry point for reviewing results from your administration of the 2019 Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE). The report provides college-specific data in an easy-to-share format including benchmark comparisons between the college, top-performing colleges, and the CCSSE cohort. It also highlights aspects of highest and lowest student engagement at the college. Note that this report only shows the base sample of 1,381 students (a 59% response rate), some of the respondents did not complete enough of the questions to be included in the cohort. This report does not include the oversample, which is the additional students we invited to take the survey beyond the base sample that was randomly determined by CCSSE. The total base sample and oversample results include 3,399 students from Valencia college (a 53% response rate).

 Key Findings Report - Executive Summary 2019
(N=1,375 base sample) compared to the CCSSE Cohort

CCSSE 2019 Cohort Overview

CCSSE creates its reports using our primary sample (described above). We are able to compare our results to those from the "extra-large colleges" participant cohort (52,017 students) and the "2019 CCSSE Cohort" (348,045 students), which is a three-year cohort of colleges participating from 2017 through 2019. The 2019 CCSSE Cohort includes 616 institutions, most are from 48 states in the U.S. Three-hundred ten are classified as small (<4,500), 137 as medium (4,500-7,999), 120 as large (8,000-14,999), and 49 as extra-large institutions (15,000+) credit students. CCSSE provides a series of reports, such as our Benchmark Report, allowing us to compare our results to those from the “Extra-large College Cohort” and the “2019 Cohort.” Each year the CCSSE Cohort responses are recalculated; CCSSE only uses the results from the three most recent years.

Additional Reports for Valencia College

 2019 Guided Pathways Specific Focus Items by Enrollment (part-time and full-time)

Discussion and Decision Guides

Faculty Survey (CCFSSE) Report 2019

The Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE) elicits information from faculty about their teaching practices, the ways they spend their professional time, both in and out of class, and their perceptions regarding students' educational experiences. CCFSSE reports enable participating institutions to view faculty perceptions of student engagement alongside student responses. However, the side-by-side tables, while illustrative, are not entirely equivalent: That is, CCSSE asks students to report about their experiences across the period of the current academic year, while faculty are asked to report their perceptions of their students' engagement experiences in a specific selected course. Nonetheless, the comparisons of student and faculty responses provide a useful prompt for campus discussions, particularly in those areas where students and faculty seem to be reporting divergent perceptions of the same experience.

 Comparative CCFSSE and CCSSE 2019 (N=5608) Frequencies - Executive Summary 2019



Valencia Summaries and Key Findings

Note: The format and display of data in the Key Findings Report changed in 2019 and is not as easily compared.

CCSSE- Benchmarks

How Benchmarks are Calculated
